Wednesday, September 30, 2009 the First Referral Network of Services at Your Doorstep Celebrate 8000 Members

Latest figures show over 8000 members belong to the first professional services referral community with an online appointment feature. professionals include lawyers, massage therapists, tutors, contractors, hair stylists and salons just to name a few. Clients looking for services can peruse through professional listings in their area, make a service appointment online 24/7 and rate the quality of service provided.

“There is no more waiting until the business opens or oops it’s past 5 so you have to call back the next day,” says David Hini-szlos, owner of “Clients can book their appointments anytime and they can go back after their appointment and write an instant review about the service(s) they received. It’s a win/win service for everyone.”

One of the main characteristics of is the ability for clients to choose the location and time of the service-in their office early in the morning, at home on a Sunday evening, a friend’s home or at the professional’s office.
allows your clients to book your time via a self-service web portal, saving you money on a secretary or receptionist.

You can find almost any service in almost every location across the country. And the greatest thing about these services is that the service provider will come right to your door if you want them to.

Now you can have pizza delivered for dinner and a nice relaxing massage scheduled for yourself while the kids are eating dinner! Or that basement that you’ve always wanted finished, but just haven’t found the time, now you can book a contractor online and schedule that basement to be refinished at your earliest convenience. offers unique and original services that have never before been offered on the internet and the best part, it’s absolutely FREE!

For the Client
“ gives you the opportunity to find professional services in your area, book and schedule appointments with them electronically, and contact them,” says Hini-szlos. “You can choose the location and time of the service as well as having the freedom to book that appointment 24/7 online.”

As a member you can rate the businesses and professionals so that other members can see how you felt about the services you received. You can also see your appointment history and calendar too.

For the Small Business Owner
This site is wonderful for the community because it assists small businesses, helping them to get off the ground, instead of struggling to get clients, clients can now find you online!

Do you own a small business? Do you need advertising to attract customers but can’t manage to fit it into your budget?

Then go to today and join the online services network, where the clients come to you. With an account you can list the services your business offers. You can make, cancel, and manage your appointments.

As a member you can list what hours you are available, where you’re available and how far you are willing to travel for an appointment.

The customer will find you and schedule appointments online so you that don’t have to waste time on the phone. And remember the membership costs you absolutely nothing!

So join the 8000 members of the online community today!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Saving time with a shared online calendar

by David Strom, IT World

August 21, 2009, 06:43 AM —

How many emails does it take to book you for an appointment? I am sure this has happened to you, where a simple request for a meeting turns into a hailstorm of email traffic back and forth as you and your meeting-mates try to find some common time that you are all free to take a meeting. There has got to be a better way, and luckily there are a lot of different software tools that are available, depending on the situation. Here are a few of my favorites and most of them are free, too.

  • Situation #1: You want to try to arrange a common meeting time for people that are coming from different companies. The free service is appropriate for this task and there are others such as and too. You set up a Web page and people can indicate their free and busy times, and then it sends a confirming email to all parties.
  • Situation #2: You want to remind your work team of a recurring meeting with reminder emails automatically sent. Google Calendar, Yahoo Calendar, and others work nicely for this purpose.
  • Situation #3: You want to maintain a common calendar between you and your spouse or work partners. Or synchronize your calendar between PDA, Web and desktop. There are a lot of products for this, but some that you might not have heard of include, BusyMac's BusyCal for Macs, and
  • Situation #4: You want to allow your clients to book your time via a self-service Web portal to avoid having a secretary or receptionist. There are a bunch of products here too: , ServeMeHere and are three such services, that charge various fees and plans.
  • Situation #5: Your business makes use of a large number of shift workers whose schedules change each week, or you want to coordinate a large collection of volunteers or outside workers. is one such fee-based service.
For more information, visit ServeMeHere today!