When finding businesses for services you need is very easy in this day and age. We have yellow pages, search engines on the internet, even the yellow pages are on the internet, we also have newspaper and magazine ads. But the one type of service that is really almost impossible to find anymore is the old fashion “We come to you” business. But that has come to an end!
We found a wonderful web 2.0 site that helps you find almost ANY service you could possibly need, and the best part is that they all come to you! And you thought that pizza was the only thing you could have delivered to your home!
The site is called ServeMeHere We offer unique and original services that have never before been offered on the internet, and it is 100% free!
ServeMeHere.com gives you the opportunity to find professional services in your area, book and schedule appointments with them electronically, and contact them. You can chose the location and time of the service you choose, and the best part is you can book an appointment online 24/7.
As a member you can rate the businesses and professionals so that other members can see how you felt about their services. You can see your appointment history and calender also.
This site is wonderful for the community because it is helping those small businesses get off the ground, instead of struggling to get clients, they can just find you!
Do you own a small business? Do you need advertising to attract customers but can’t manage to fit it into your budget?
Try out ServeMeHere.com the online services network, where the clients come to you.
With an account you can list the services your business offers. You can make, cancel, and manage your appointments.
As a member you list what hours your available, and where your available, and how far you are willing to go.
The customer will find you and schedule appointments online so you never have to waste time on the phone again!
The best part is a membership is absolutly FREE!